

2015-02-17 21ST 21世纪英文报

经常有人问:怎样才能成为一枚有追求、有文化、有知识、有B格的四有骚年?世纪君答:诸君,去读书吧!是的,假日属于书,那些跃动着的文字,让你如沐春风。这个假日,世纪君就奉上一份“寒假最强书单”。为何“最强”?因为世纪君:综合了英国教育部考试委员会、作家JK Rowling、Philip Pullman以及英国《卫报》、美国《纽约时报》等多家国际媒体开出的青少年书单;参考了香港教育图书公司、《澳门日报》、台湾国立图书馆所列的青少年必读书目;邀请了曾在北外任教、与世纪君共事多年的英国文学博士Paul Brennan先生,一起精选出这十本书。每日一读,如抱暖阳。


Over the 63 years since its publication in 1951, The Catcher in the Rye has sold hundreds of millions of copies. It’s also been translated into most of the languages on the planet. The majority of the book’s readers have no doubt been teenagers, but they have been teenagers who have tended to keep the book with them, making it a favorite among all age groups.

And yet, despite the fact that its hero is a teenager (Holden Caulfield, the narrator) and Holden has problems that seem like typical teenage problems, it’s not really a “teen” novel. In most teen novels, the character learns something over the course of the story. Not Holden, whose narrative ends in as confused a manner as the one in which it begins.


During the novel he’s thrown out of school, and, after taking off to New York for the weekend, is beaten up and gets drunk. Nothing is learned from these experiences. We get no sense that Holden will try to avoid similar mistakes in future.

Holden tries to connect with people, but fails. The only exception is his younger sister, Phoebe. After a while on his own among the adults of New York, he returns home to see her. They get along well. She looks up to Holden, and Holden obviously feels very protective toward her.


This protectiveness is a hallmark of Holden’s character. He may be immature, often make mistakes and unreliable, but he has empathy with others. Before he leaves Pencey Prep, the school he’s expelled from, he even writes a history paper saying that he knows his teacher will have to fail him. “Don’t feel too bad about it,” he says.

But this care for others is most clear in his relationship with Phoebe. In part this is because, as we learn, Holden’s older brother Allie died, and she is his only remaining sibling. But more deeply, it’s because he knows himself what a challenge life can be, and he has a special concern for his kid sister, and perhaps for children generally.


By describing teenagers’ very real insecurities and their struggle for self-definition, Salinger helped to invent the notion of teenage angst and shaped popular culture. “Along with Elvis Presley’s music and James Dean’s Rebel Without a Cause movie persona, it was Salinger’s Caulfield who best dramatized the emergence of a defiant youth identity in 1950s America”, writes Ben Hoyle, a journalist for the Times.

So although Holden is not a character who “grows up” in any way, he shows qualities throughout the novel which the reader admires, and perhaps comes to loves him for, however exasperating he is in other ways.




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